Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some things to take note...

Hello all!~

Everyone had a hard day selecting the best 4 photos from so many good pieces of work. Good Job! Those who still cant decide on which photos to submit for exhibition yet, please send them to us latest by Monday, 6/10/2008. Remember to choose your favorite photo among the selected 4 photos to be printed in the pamphlet.

You also need to submit 1) A short description on the themes/photos (less than 100 words)
2) About yourself (less than 50 words) by next saturday, 11/10/2008.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

About yourself: What do you think about photography? What kind of photo or object captures your attention? What kind of photo do you like to take?(Nature, abstract, children, etc...) Is photography something new or has it been your passion for a long time?

Theme: Why did you choose this theme? Any special reason? How do the photos relate to the theme?

Note: Do not feel pressurized to come up with a fantastic write-up. It can be something simple. We just want to know more about yourself, your thoughts, through your short write-up about yourself and the theme :) This is to show what you as a photographer(yes, you!), will want to communicate to the public through your photos :)

We will be doing photoshop editing for your works next wedneday, 8/10/2008. The location is at ADM(School of Arts, Design and Media) in NTU, about 7pm. This is optional, but should you be interested to join us, please sms your buddy or reply to this email. You can join us for dinner at NTU too, at 6pm.

Please read following for more information about next week.

We will be doing:
1) Final confirmation of write-up on the theme and yourself.
2) Sharing of exhibition photos with fellow volunteers and particpants!
3) Exhibition details and pin-hole photos

Date : Sat, 11/10/08
Place : Sadeaf (same room)
TIme : 3pm-5pm

If there's any other questions, please sms your buddy or email us. :)

Enjoy! And have a great week ahead!~ See you! :)

Club Farrago